Disney World And The Wearing Of Masks
10 min read
Here is the latest update to the Disney World Mask Wearing Policy. Disney has confirmed that face masks will no longer be required indoors for vaccinated guests as of February 17th, 2022. In addition, Universal Studios Orlando has just updated their face mask policy to state the same. Click on this link to the Disney Website for a complete rundown of current information and guidelines.
Disney World Face Covering Policy Effective, 02/17/22
“Face coverings are optional for fully vaccinated Guests in both outdoor and indoor locations. We expect Guests who are not fully vaccinated to continue wearing face coverings in all indoor locations, including indoor attractions and theaters. Face coverings are still required by all Guests (ages 2 and up) on enclosed Disney transportation, including Disney buses, monorails, and Disney Skyliner.”
My Original Post From July 2020 Regarding Disney World Mask Wearing Policy
As I write this post, we are still in the grip of COVID-19. Disney World is well into the process of a phased reopening of its parks and facilities where they have mandated the wearing of masks. It’s late July in Florida, where the heat and humidity are oppressive. Coupled with the requirement of wearing a mask and enduring the elements, well, the thought is exhausting.
Disney World Has Made Mask-Wearing Mandatory For Everyone Two Years Old And Older
Disney World has made it mandatory that everyone wears masks. That includes everyone two years old and older. There are no exceptions to this requirement. You can take off your face cover when you sit down and are stationary to eat or drink or at specially designated relaxation zones (within each park) or when you are in a pool. You must wear the mask on all rides, even the water rides.

Walt Disney World is no longer allowing theme park visitors to eat and drink while walking, according to a new face-covering policy clarification. Disney confirmed this clarification on Saturday, 07/18/20. It states face coverings must be worn at all times, “except when actively eating or drinking while stationary and physically distanced.”
Further tweaks to the policy were announced on 07/27/20 when Disney banned facial coverings with valves in them, masks made of mesh material, or those with holes in them. They went on to explain that “Face coverings are intended to reduce the transfer of respiratory droplets, and exhalation valves and materials with holes do not adequately filter the air that is exhaled.”
Wear A Mask That Is Going To Be Comfortable For You
I’m sure that you’ve read all the information about the best mask, how it’s constructed, etc. Forget about all of that. The best facial covering is one that is comfortable for you and one that you’ll wear consistently. Of course, it must provide adequate protection, and that’s where some of the concerns lie.
There are so many styles in the marketplace made by many different companies; well, it boggles the mind. Which one do you choose, and how effective is it? That is the biggest question that most people have to answer. As mentioned earlier, it is a personal choice, but it has to be protective and comfortable to wear.
The Necessity For Making My Own Mask
Speaking from a personal point of view, I decided to make my own. It arose out of necessity because wearing a face covering was first suggested back in March, and you couldn’t find one. The N95 masks were destined, and rightfully so, to the healthcare sector, and regular surgical type coverings were being scalped for outrageous prices if you could even obtain any.
The first one that I made was out of a bandana that I had sitting around. I found some elastic for the ear loops and used folded aluminum foil for the nose bridge. It was pleated and made with a filter pocket in which I put a piece of blue shop towel. I had no sewing machine nor sewing skills, but I managed to sew the mask by hand, so it looked halfway presentable. The only problem I had was I didn’t need another thing hanging on my ears. Between my glasses and hearing aids, well, everything kept getting tangled up. Additionally, my glasses were always fogging up on me.
Great Example Of A Custom Made Mask
After that ordeal, I got online and found a great YouTube video about making a mask. Brie, a Registered Nurse from Washington State, posted a very informative video online. Her website and blog are homemadeonourhomestead.com. The mask design offers excellent protection and allows me not to have something else hanging from my ears. Finally, I had enough hand sewing, so I invested in a Singer Start 1304 sewing machine that I bought on Amazon for under $90.00 and taught myself to sew. However, due to high demand and limited availability, it is now selling for $299.99!! My first sewing machine-produced mask should have taken 30 minutes, but I struggled and finally completed it in three hours.
Since that time, I have made about 15 masks to give to my friends and family. My speed has gotten better, but I’m still a beginner, and I’ll never get to the point of two per hour. I’ve made several design changes to customize them for my personal needs and found that other people like the changes.
The fat head seen below is “yours truly,” modeling the mask design that I made. I was hoping you could note the proper fit around the nose, under my chin, and face sides. The cord lock can be positioned higher on my head and adjusted according to my comfort level. For instance, when I wear a baseball cap, I pull the cord up higher on my head. This is because the hat hides the rope and the lock.
Adding My Own Personal Touches To The Mask Design For Effective Mask-Wearing
For instance, instead of laboriously hand tying the cord behind my head, I’ve put on a cord lock. I looked all over for something to use for a nose bridge and came up with the idea to use a five and three-quarter-inch long piece of 14 gauge solid copper core coated wire (available at any big box home improvement or local hardware store.) The heavier wire lets me mold it to the contours of my nose and cheekbones, creating a tight seal. This addition has allowed me to wear my glasses without fogging up.

The original design had four layers of cotton (five segments with the addition of a filter.) However, it was trapping too much heat and challenging to breathe using this design.
After much online research, I discovered that I could use two layers of quilters cotton to make the mask providing more than adequate protection. Another alternative is to use a layer of Batik (denser) cloth and one layer of quilters cotton. Both are 100% cotton fabric. I have a filter pocket in the mask, and I use a single sheet of Tool Box Brand Blue Shop Towels for the filter that I purchased at my local Home Depot.

Subsequently, I found out that the double layer of cotton, without the filter, was adequate for protection plus allowing me to breathe easily. However, I feel more confident with the filter inserted. Besides, with the filter inserted, it provides a higher particulate filtration rate. But, it’s still easy to breathe through too.
Back To The Mask Wearing Requirements At Disney World
Now that I’ve explained my mask journey, I want to get back to the requirements at Disney. Visiting in the summer months is challenging, even without having to wear a mask. I live in North Carolina, so it is hot and humid this time of the year, too, almost as bad as Florida. Trudging around the parks is going to be challenging, for lack of a better term. Make sure you take lots of breaks, stay hydrated, and make use of the relaxation zones that Disney offers.
Take the mask off when feasible and safe to do so. As the facial covering gets damp from sweat, you’ll need to exchange it for a dry one. Put the used mask(s) in a Ziploc-style plastic bag. Make sure that you have spares with you to put on a fresh mask periodically during the day. Keep those in a separate Ziploc bag to keep them clean before use. Only make the exchange after washing or sanitizing your hands. Most importantly, try to make the mask switch away from other people to minimize any contamination.
Buying A Mask Just To Make A Fashion Statement Is Probably Not Protective Enough
Masks that are cutesy and bought to make a fashion statement may not provide the protection you need. Make sure any face cover has a nose bridge built-in. Thus, look for one that fits tightly around your face and creates a seal around all edges. The purpose is to breathe through the material, not pull in or expel air from openings around it. Cloth masks that you can see through are not going to be protective enough.
Additionally, if the covering is too loose around your face, it will probably keep dropping below your nose. Therefore, you’ll be continually readjusting it. The key is to cover your nose and mouth at the same time. However, once the mask is fitted correctly on the nose, it should be long enough so that it fits beneath your chin.
My recommendation is to invest in a few high-quality cloth masks. To be effective, you’ll need to wash them frequently! If not, they could harbor bacteria and mold, which can be harmful to you. Regular surgical-style paper masks are not what I want to be wearing, especially in the summer months. They don’t fit well, are uncomfortable when wearing hearing aids, irritate my skin, and always allow my glasses to fog up. If this is the only type, you can get, change them frequently and always discard them when replacing the mask with another.
Embrace The Idea Of Mask-Wearing At Disney World And Doing So In A Responsible Manner
In summary, if you plan to visit Walt Disney World soon, embrace the idea of mask-wearing and doing so in a responsible manner. Disney has become the gold standard with its efforts to reopen the parks safely and responsibly for their Guests and Cast Members. However, go ahead and enjoy yourself but plan to be wearing a mask for now and into the foreseeable future.
I know that there is a great deal of controversy surrounding the wearing of masks. Originally it was determined that you should wear a mask to protect the other person. Now the thinking is, you should wear one to protect yourself. Mask-wearing has emerged as one of the most powerful weapons to fight the coronavirus, with growing evidence that facial coverings help prevent transmission—even if an infected wearer is close contact with others. However, you still have to maintain social distancing and wash your hands frequently.
Scientific findings and statistics have proven that mask-wearing will significantly help to curtail the spread of COVID-19. There’s the belief the pandemic could be brought under control over the next four to eight weeks if we could get everybody to wear a mask right now. We all need to unite and fight back against the pandemic. Above all, don’t allow yourself to become complacent in this effort. Furthermore, your life and the life of those that you love may depend on it.
Official Walt Disney World Requirements For All Face Coverings As Posted On Their Website
The following is the official Walt Disney World position regarding face coverings:
Face coverings are required for all Guests (ages two and up) and Cast Members. Please bring your own face coverings and wear them at all times, except when dining or swimming. You may remove your face covering while actively eating or drinking, but you should be stationary and maintain appropriate physical distancing.
All face coverings (whether disposable or reusable) must:
1. Be made with at least 2 layers of breathable material
2. Fully cover the nose and mouth and secure under the chin
3. Fit snugly but comfortably against the side of the face
4. Be secured with ties or ear loops (remaining hands-free)

Based on guidance from health authorities, neck gaiters and open-chin triangle bandanas are not acceptable face coverings. Additionally, masks containing valves, mesh material, or holes of any kind are not acceptable face coverings.
Costume masks are also not considered appropriate and are prohibited from being worn in alignment with our existing rules.
The use of face coverings is not a substitute for physical distancing and frequent hand washing.

Updated November 2020 – New Signage And Announcements Prohibiting Eating And Drinking In Attraction Queues
New signage has popped up at Disney parks at the beginning of November 2020. Signs are posted near the host stand for attractions. It reminds Guests to keep their face masks in place. Eating or drinking in the queue past that point is not allowed.

Additionally, park announcements were modified to include this new restriction. The information is as follows:
Editor’s Note: This post was originally published in July 2020. It has been updated to reflect new rules and restrictions regarding face mask use at Walt Disney World in November 2020.
Editor’s Note: This post was updated and republished on July 29, 2021, to reflect the revised mask policy in effect at Walt Disney World effective July 30, 2021