Hi, my name is John McCully, and this is what I’m all about! I currently live in the Research Triangle area of North Carolina. I’m a man in my late 70s. I’ve always been ambitious and want to keep my mind sharp as I age. Therefore, I’m always looking for a challenge and something productive.
I decided to write a blog because I couldn’t find the information I was looking for in one central location. In addition, I didn’t know if I had the required skills and know-how to get things going. However, after thinking about it, I decided to go for it!
I have no idea if I can make any money from my blogs. Maybe I’ll get affiliation revenue or sell some ad space. If it happens, fine! I’m certainly not going to count on it. When I mention products or services, these items will have been used and paid for out of pocket. I’ll not be biased in my opinions or beholding to anyone.
Thank You So Much For Your Attention
I hope to gain your trust and earn your support through my efforts. Your support will encourage me to do better. Most importantly, thanks for your patience as I begin my new adventure!
Why Write A Blog?
I may have slowed down physically, but I’m trying to keep “the grey matter” from doing so, too! As mentioned, I want to keep my body and mind active as I age. My goal is to present some ideas, tips, and perspectives regarding mobility items when visiting a theme park and associated attractions.
Undoubtedly, I’m not the most technical user of computers and software. My first introduction to computers was in college. Our computer lab took up an entire floor where keypunch machines and cards were the norm. That shows my age! Who would have thought years later that I could sit and type away from the comforts of my home and reach anywhere in the world on my personal computer? Oh, the marvels of modern technology!
Believe me when I tell you that I struggled to put together the beginnings of my site and blog. For example, thank God for the help from the Customer Support people at BlueHost and BlueSky. They helped me immensely, along with the information I read from blog help sites. In addition, these other blog sites, although too numerous to list, provided me with much inspiration and direction along the way.
About My Background
My background varies, from working on Wall Street, freshly out of college, to working in the Pharmaceutical industry. I was involved in the manufacturing, packaging, training, and distribution of drug products. And no, I’m not a drug dealer!!
Currently, I own a small collectibles card shop called The Toy Factory. Besides selling gaming products and supplies, we offer tournament play for different games for people of all ages. I’m a sole proprietor, and I mainly do everything myself in the operation of this business. Will I ever retire? Hell no, there’s no reason for me to do so! As long as I can drive and move around, I’ll be able to do what I need to do. Furthermore, I believe keeping active in whatever you choose is essential.
Some Random Things About Me
• Born and raised in New Jersey, lived in Southern California for a short time before settling in North Carolina.
• Grew up disciplined by hard-working, loving parents and grandparents. Fortunately, whatever I am today was because of their guidance and influence!
• I’m an only child who was spoiled but not to the point of being rotten. What’s more, I grew up appreciating what I had.
• I was taught to be respectful and mindful of others (The Golden Rule). Accordingly, this has served me well in my life.
• Played high school football (and screwed up my knee.) Additionally, there were other minor injuries that my body is still aware of later in life.
• Belonged to my company’s softball league. In addition to having fun, I needed the exercise and enjoyed the camaraderie.
• Participated in other softball leagues (what can I say, I loved to play.) Besides, I still communicate with people I played with many years ago and compare aches and pains!
• Underwent complete hip replacement surgery back in 2016. As a result, I can get around better, although more slowly and cautiously.
Some More Random Things About Me
• Had a red 1965 Oldsmobile 442 muscle car. God, I wish I still had that car! But I still have great memories associated with it!
• I graduated with a BS in Business Management from Seton Hall University, but street smarts are just as necessary.
• Father of two sons plus one grandson whom I love to death. Indeed, they have been the highlights of my life!
• In the evening, I like to relax. For instance, I enjoy watching Survivor and NCIS on TV.
• Music from the ’50s and ’60s is among my favorites. Consequently, it brings back fond memories of my younger, carefree days.
• I was recently introduced to SiriusXM radio (Cousin Brucie!), so I get to choose a specific genre of music.
• Asks for the Senior Citizen Discount when available. With this in mind, every little bit helps!
• I took accordion lessons when I was a kid. I wouldn’t say I liked it, and I subsequently became a music school dropout.
Yet More Things About Me
• English composition and structure were never among my greatest strengths. In fact, please bear with me as I indulge myself in this blogging endeavor.
• My ethnicity is Irish, Welsh, and Italian. In short, that is one hell of a combination!
• I enjoy a variety of foods but not spicy ones. Although my favorite meal is homemade spaghetti and meatballs.
• I love college sports, especially Notre Dame Football and Duke Basketball. However, I like watching a few selective pro sports events on TV.
• Currently, I drive a Honda Passport. Above all, it is fantastic for getting in and out, which is especially important as you get older.
• Especially looking forward to vacations at Walt Disney World. Nevertheless, I could never get around without a mobility scooter. Thus, this will be one of my first blog topics.
• Subscribes to Ancestry.com. As a result, I found some interesting information about my family history.
• Took the Ancestry DNA test. I also discovered some French in my lineage when I got the results. Afterward, I remembered that my grandmother had mentioned the possibility of it many years ago.
There Are No More Things About Me I Find Interesting, So I’ll Stop!
Click on this link if you’d like to contact me with any questions or comments! I’ll try to respond quickly!